
Bogazici University- Center for European Studies

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Prof. Dr. Kemal Kirişçi

The European Commission has made a tremendous effort to get Member States to accept the notion of a “two-way approach” to the integration of immigrants. However, this paper shows how this “two-way” approach needs to be supplemented by a “threeway” approach to meet the challenges associated with the incorporation of Muslim immigrants in particular. This would, where possible, engage and make use of the experiences of the sending country to assist receiving countries in achieving a better incorporation of immigrants. Traditionally, sending countries have been seen as part of the integration problem associated with immigrants, and partnerships with third countries have been largely framed to prevent or control unwanted migration.

Last Updated (Tuesday, 10 May 2011 14:21)

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Prof. Dr. Sholmo Avineri

Current Turkish-Israeli relations have to be seen in the wider context of Turkish foreign policy as developed strategically by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

In a most significant way, this new policy it is an expression of Turkey’s coming of age and extricating itself from the constraints put on it by the Kemalist tradition, which viewed the Republic as having to confront a dual set of threats – internal (to its integral unity, hence the policy vis-à-vis the Kurds) and external (e.g. Greece, but also the Soviet Union). This traditional policy also necessitated the internal integralist regime, accompanied as it was by some of the authoritarian elements associated with the Kemalist legacy.

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Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1991 as an academic institution of BoğaziçiUniversity. CES enables the academics to make interdisciplinary work on European studies and also serve as a focus point for the discussions on EU-Turkey relations where the academics share their opinions with public and private sector professionals. Furthermore, CES organizes public Jean Monnet seminars and specialied workshops; as the first “Jean Monnet Center of Excellence” inTurkey.